Becoming a mom is an incredible, life-changing event, but no one really prepares you for the challenges of the immediate postpartum period. After delivering a baby, your body has gone through a marathon, and recovery can feel overwhelming—both physically and emotionally. I remember the day after giving birth, my body felt completely foreign to me and I couldn't even walk. My postpartum nurse said, "Yep, it's like you got hit by a truck." And it's so true.
While the focus naturally shifts to the newborn, it’s absolutely essential to take care of yourself, too. From discomfort to bleeding, hormonal shifts, and learning how to breastfeed, the early postpartum days can be a whirlwind. But there are a few must-have products that fellow moms swear by to help ease this transition and make the journey just a bit more manageable. I wish I knew some of these items prior to giving birth so I could be fully prepared!
I asked a community of moms to share the top three items they found indispensable immediately postpartum, and here's what they said! These four products consistently topped the list, so let’s dive into why these items are so helpful and how they can ease some of the discomfort that comes with recovery.
FridaMom Disposable Underwear & Cooling Pads came up again and again in conversations with new moms. Why? Because they offer comfort and relief during one of the most uncomfortable times. After childbirth, especially vaginal delivery, you’ll experience significant bleeding (also known as lochia) for several weeks. Disposable underwear is a game-changer in this stage. They are soft, breathable, and designed to hold heavy-duty pads that help manage postpartum bleeding.
But what makes FridaMom’s version stand out is its cooling pads. Moms raved about how soothing these pads felt. Postpartum pain can be intense, especially if you experienced tearing or had stitches, and the cooling sensation provides much-needed relief. The pads not only cool but also help with swelling and soreness, which are common after vaginal births.
In the first few days, when you're sore, bleeding, and trying to move around without too much discomfort, this combo of disposable underwear and cooling pads can be a lifesaver. You can toss the underwear after use, eliminating the need to deal with laundry during an already hectic time.
The Upside Down Peri Bottle by FridaMom is another highly recommended product. Many moms pointed out that the hospital will likely give you a basic peri bottle, but they swear by the upside-down design of this one. I actually had only the one the hospital gave which was a basic one, but I SO wish I had gotten the upside down bottle.
Postpartum urination can be excruciating, especially if you have stitches or experienced any tearing. The Upside Down Peri Bottle allows you to spray water directly where you need it to clean and soothe the area after using the bathroom. With its ergonomic design, you don’t need to awkwardly maneuver the bottle to get relief—it’s designed to spray from the perfect angle.
Since wiping with toilet paper is out of the question during those first few days due to sensitivity, the peri bottle becomes your best friend. Moms love how it feels refreshing and helps keep things clean while you heal. It's a small but essential tool that many moms say they didn’t realize they needed until they used it.
Dermoplast Topical Benzocaine Spray is another postpartum essential that was highly recommended by moms who have been there. Childbirth can leave you feeling sore, raw, and in need of relief from perineal pain. Dermoplast is a medicated spray that contains benzocaine, an anesthetic, which helps to numb the area and provide fast relief.
Moms shared how much of a lifesaver this spray was for easing postpartum pain, especially after vaginal delivery. It’s cooling and soothing on the skin and helps reduce discomfort while healing from stitches, tears, or just the overall soreness that comes with childbirth. Unlike some other pain relief options, Dermoplast is safe to use on sensitive areas, making it perfect for those early postpartum days when everything feels tender and delicate.
Spraying it on after using the bathroom, particularly following a rinse with the peri bottle, helps reduce burning and irritation. It’s one of those items that many moms said they didn't realize they would need but were so thankful to have on hand when the pain set in.
Breastfeeding can be an incredible bonding experience, but it’s not without its challenges. Whether you’re a first-time mom or have done it before, breastfeeding can put a lot of strain on your back, neck, and arms. Enter the Boppy Nursing Pillow, a product that came highly recommended by moms for providing support and comfort during breastfeeding.
New moms loved that the Boppy Nursing Pillow allowed them to position the baby comfortably for nursing without straining their bodies. Its ergonomic design provides a soft, elevated surface for your baby to rest on while feeding, taking the pressure off your arms and allowing you to relax a bit more. Proper positioning is key to avoiding discomfort and making breastfeeding sessions more enjoyable, especially in the early days when you and your baby are still figuring things out. I definitely recommend getting a high quality nursing chair with a lot of support in addition to the pillow. You will be spending A LOT of time on those! I got this one.
Moms also found the Boppy useful for other things, such as propping up the baby during tummy time or using it for support while bottle-feeding. The versatility of the Boppy Nursing Pillow makes it a must-have item for many new moms.
Navigating Postpartum Recovery
The immediate postpartum period is full of new challenges, but with the right tools, it can become more manageable. Each of these products serves a unique purpose in helping new moms feel more comfortable and supported as they heal and care for their newborns. Whether it’s providing relief from pain, aiding in hygiene, or making breastfeeding easier, these products have made a real difference for moms navigating the postpartum recovery journey.
As one mom put it, "I never knew how much I would appreciate these little things until I was in the thick of it." And that’s the key—while the baby gets much of the attention, it’s just as important to care for the mother. These products are designed to make that a little easier, so moms can focus on bonding with their newborn and adjusting to their new role with a bit more comfort and peace of mind.
What were your postpartum must-haves? Let me know in the comments!
Sending all the love on your healing journey!